BioGlo Therapy “PRP/PRFM”

"Liquid Gold"

What is PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma?

When we age, our skin's ability to produce collagen and maintain hydration becomes markedly diminished. Coupled with sun exposure and damaging lifestyle choices, our skin takes on further abuse. Non-invasive treatments like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Serum and Injection Therapy have risen in popularity due to PRP's natural result with no real downtime.

PRP, derived from your own blood, contains growth factors and stem cells. It can safely be used anywhere on the body, face or hair follicles/scalp for cell and tissue rejuvenation and to produce the most healthy growth. PRP is being used in all areas of medicine today, because of its benefits.

Platelets contain important growth factors that are responsible for:

  • Tissue regeneration and rejuvenation
  • Increasing collagen production
  • Calling other cells to the site to assist with healing
  • Initiating blood vessel growth
  • Inducing cell differentiation - all the different cells required for rejuvenation are stimulated
  • Bone mineralization i.e. making healthier bones
  • Extra cellular matrix formation - this is connective tissue that supports, shapes and firms
  • Tissue adhesion - this means tissues stick together giving it strength.





As soon as SELPHYL® prepared PRFM is administered, growth factors are released through the formation of a three-dimensional cross-linked fibrin matrix which is essential to the platelet plug as it serves as a binding site for both platelets and growth factors allowing their sustained release.

This scaffolding (fibrin matrix) localizes the growth factors increasing their concentration at the desired location and guiding tissue regeneration. Studies have shown that platelet growth factors are released for up to seven days, supporting collagen production and increased vascularization, which results in overall skin improvements in comparison to traditional PRP.


SELPHYL® is based on the principle that human blood and platelets possess all the essential elements needed for tissue. It is designed to produce PRFM devoid of contaminating red and white blood cells. Other Systems are designed to collect white blood cells for diagnostic testing. The proprietary gel separator design is one of the key advantages of the SELPHYL® System.

Platelet Rich Plasma injection Therapy

Benefits of PRP Serum or Injection Therapy

  • Reduces fine lines and deep wrinkles, under eye hollows, bags and dark circles
  • Lifts the skin
  • Tightens the pores and skin
  • Increases tissue strength and volume
  • Supplies the tissue with material for better healing
  • Increases hair follicle activity and growth

PRP Procedures:

PRP Hair Restoration®

PRP Injection Therapy is injected into the scalp and hair follicles to stimulate healthy new growth and to increase production. This process involves numerous injections to the desired treatment area using a very tiny needle. The treatment area numbed and the injections take only around 5 minutes.

PRP FaceLift

This patented treatment uses a blend of PRP Injection Therapy and hyaluronic acid dermal filler to reshape, revolumize and revamp the skin. Injections are customized to rejuvenate based on individual needs. Treatment areas include face, neck, chest, hands, etc.

PRP Facial

This patented treatment utilizes SkinPen Microneedling and PRP serum to deliver serious results with no real downtime. Microneedles are a collagen induction therapy treatment that work to induce healing and growth and leave precise micro channels for delivery of PRP serum into the dermis which allows for better skin rejuvenation with tighter skin, smaller pores, lessons wrinkles, removes acne scars, smooths skin.

PRP Injection Therapy (Filler Alternative)

Platelet Rich Plasma injection Therapy is a natural growth enhancer and a filler alternative. It is made of your own blood and is proven effective. This treatment uses your own platelet rich plasma as an advanced anti-aging and healing treatment delivered to the skin in a process similar to mesotherapy. Treatment involves extracting and increasing the growth factors in your blood. These factors are what your body needs to heal itself. PRP serum and injection Therapy activates the autological factors in your body's repair system to increase healthy growth.

Using PRP injection Therapy as an anti-ageing treatment is highly effective. This natural and safe treatment uses your own blood, which is extracted and enriched (with no chemicals or additives) in an easy and comfortable process and is then re-injected into your face, hands, chest, or face through numerous tiny injections. The benefits of this approach are the natural and self-healing effects of regenerated skin, improved skin vitality, improved sun damaged skin, enhanced circulation, and better skin hydration.

*** For better results, we recommend you use in conjunction with other treatments for more complete rejuvenation or anti-aging results.***


1. How does PRP Injection Therapy works?

Prior to treatment, a blood sample is taken from the patient. This blood is immediately placed in the centrifuge which spins the blood and separates it into layers. The concentrated platelets (PRP) are extracted from the buffy coat layer for use in the treatment. The platelets are injected into the deep dermis or fat layer of the skin. The platelets will then gradually increase collagen formation which can increase skin thickness and overall health and function of the skin.

2. What to expect during treatment?

A small amount of blood is collected. The area to be treated with the PRP is pre-treated with laser, microneedling or other procedure if desired. The platelets are injected into the skin using a fine needle and with minimal discomfort.

The areas that are treated include the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, and scalp/hair. The whole process including re-injecting platelets only takes 45 minutes. Results will not be visible for several weeks. For optimal results, a further treatment after 4-12 weeks may be recommended.

3. What is My Post Treatment Care

Avoid massaging the treated area for up to 48 hours after treatment. Don't wash the area for 4 hours or more. It is advisable that aggressive facials or any heat diffusing treatments like lasers should be avoided for the first month

4. What To Expect from PRP Injection Therapy?

You can expect minimal swelling and bruising to a varying degree and redness for 12-24 hours. Some clients experience headache. Treated areas would be mildly red and swollen for up to 3 days after treatment. As the collagen grows, your results will gradually appear. The best results can be seen after 6 weeks. Additional sessions may be necessary to achieve desired results. We recommend sessions up to 3 times per year to maintain more youthful skin that has plumpness, elasticity, and strength..