Chemical Peels

"Truly Exfoliate"

VI Peel

The aging process can cause your skin to become lax, pigmented and rough. Sun exposure and environmental assault just adds to the problem. Aging is inevitable but the VI Peel can make a difference in as little as 7 days. The VI Peel is specifically formulated to rejuvenate aging skin and help prevent future damage. The VI Peel is proven to soften fine lines and wrinkles, restore a more even skin tone, and smooth away rough skin texture.

Benefits of VI Peel

  • Improve the tone, texture and clarity of your skin
  • Reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles, and hyper-pigmentation, including melasma
  • Soften lines and wrinkles
  • Help to clear acne skin conditions and reduce or eliminate acne scars
  • Stimulate the production of collagen, for firmer, more youthful skin

Why wait weeks or months for results when you can enjoy beautiful, radiant skin in about a week?


VI Peel
 Straight up and simple, perfect for anti-aging and improving skin texture

VI Precision Peel
A booster is added to the VI Peel to enhance the results of your peel. Perfect if you're looking for something a bit deeper.

VI Purify Peel
 Specifically formulated for acne prone skin and calming inflammation.

VI Precision Plus Peel
 The deepest peel we offer. Specifically formulated for hyperpigmentation or melasma. Brightens and improves even the toughest spots.

Areas of Concern:

  • Tone
  • Texture
  • Aging
  • Scarring Damage

Results After:

3 VI Precision Plus Peels over a 3 month period

Areas of Concern:

  • Active Acne
  • Heavy Acne Scarring

Results After:

3 VI Purify Peels over a 3 month period

Areas of Concern:

  • Sensitive Skin
  • Acne Marks and Scarring
  • Uneven Skin Tone

Results After:

2 VI Peels over a three month period



How would the VI Peel compare to other chemical peels? 

The VI peel is almost painless, and requires no skin pre conditioning required by those peels when used on dark skin- skin types 4 to 6.

In addition, the VI peel has very few of the complications and hazards that come usually with other peels. 

The VI Peel is the first peel to combine the strongest and most effective acids, yet it's virtually painless with little downtime.

How many peels can you do and how far apart should they be done?

For most patients, peels should be done three to four times a year starting at puberty to repair sun damage that is already present, and to avoid permanent scarring for those affected by acne.

The frequency of the peel depends on various factors, and will be determined by your provider. For extremely damaged skin, the VI Peel can initially be done once a month to get quicker desired results.

How many treatments are required to show an improved look?

A single VI Peel will achieve significant repair and add a healthy glow to the skin. Some conditions like acne scars, pore enlargement and hyperpigmentation might require multiple applications. It is a restorative and painless repair of damaged skin, including sun damage and acne. Best of all, it is a true aging preventive for younger skin with no visible damage

Will results be long-lasting?

Like everything else in life, skin needs maintenance. The VI Peel results will last as long as skin is maintained with adjunctive therapy using medical-grade skin care, such as our medical-grade skincare products. For maximum results, VI Peel can be performed as many times as your provider determines all year round.

What types of skin respond well to the VI Peel?

The many innovations that created the VI Peel combine to allow ALL skin types to enjoy the benefits of the peel. For the first time, African-American and darker skin types such as Asian and Latin patients can experience anti-aging and restorative skin repair previously unavailable

Does it burn?

You will feel a slight stinging sensation for a few seconds which subsides almost immediately. The peel is applied topically, and numbing of the skin takes place after the first pass. Some patients may feel more comfortable using a fan or cold air breeze.

How much will I peel?

The skin peeling associated with the VI Peel is a light, fluffy peel that will start on day three and generally be finished by the end of day four. The peeling is easily hidden by moisturizer. In some cases, the peel is virtually invisible. Patients using tretinoin- Retin A may experience heavier peeling. The peel can be modulated by your skin care provider to produce a deeper, more aggressive peel, if necessary, depending on your skin condition.

What will I look like right after the VI Peel and during the next few days?

The skin will look slightly tan, yellow or red immediately after the peel. On days one and two the skin will feel slightly tighter, with no visible signs of having had a peel. Any pigmented areas might appear slightly darker. On approximately day three, you will begin to peel. The first signs of peeling usually begin around the mouth area and continue for a day or two. With the use of the Vi Derm™ moisturizer, you may go about your usual daily routine. By day six or day seven you will be done peeling and the results are dramatic! If a more aggressive peel was performed, a secondary peel might occur around day seven.

What about normal activities after the VI Peel?

We recommend avoiding heavy sweating for the first few days after the peel. Normal activities can be resumed immediately after the peel.

What will the VI Peel do for my skin?

It tackles skin problems at the cellular level rather than just burning skin off. Thanks to the concerted actions of its many acids and vitamins, it will help erase fine lines and wrinkles, shrink enlarged pores and build collagen and elastin which tighten skin. It is extremely effective in reducing or eliminating hyperpigmentation including melasma, the most difficult pigmentation issue to correct. The Vi Peel also provides excellent results for acne.

How many peels are needed?

One peel may be all it takes to achieve your goals. For more severe damage or aging, more peels may be desired. The peel may be repeated as often as every two weeks initially, if necessary, for damaged skin and problematic skin. Our recommendation for maintenance of average skin would be once every three months to prevent damage and aging of the skin. Your doctor or skin care professional will evaluate your skin, as well as your goals and expectations and make an appropriate recommendation for ongoing skin care.

When can makeup be worn again?

While the long term goal is to eliminate the need for makeup, it may be worn at any time after the peel solution has dried completely (two hours or more post peel).

What about the hands or chest?

The Vi Peel is incredibly effective in removing sunspots from the hands, arms and chest and eliminating the wrinkles associated with sun damage on the décolletage. The peeling process is different and longer than for the face. Please ask your provider for more informatio

How long will the Vi Peel take?

20-30 minutes 

What kind of final results will I see after a single Vi Peel?

It takes about four days after you finish peeling for the skin to return to its normal PH and to see the final effects. The skin will look luminous and glowing. Hyper-pigmentation will be improved or eliminated, depending on the amount of damage. Tone and texture will be improved for a more youthful, radiant appearance.

What should be used on the skin in conjunction with the Vi Peel?

Prior to leaving your appointment, you will leave with a post peel application kit which includes SPF 50 and a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and protected during the next week.  After you have healed, we recommend continuing your skincare routine with recommended medical grade products suggested by your skincare specialist. This is to be used on a daily basis to maintain the results of the Vi Peel.

Does the Vi Peel make the skin thinner?

No. By sloughing off the old skin and forcing the body to recreate new skin at a faster rate in a sequence faster than its own rate, the skin actually thickens, stimulating the underlying structure to make more collagen and elastin.