


Do you have a pesky hyperpigmentation condition, like melasma or dark spots, that impacts your overall self-esteem and confidence levels?

One of the most common skin conditions, hyperpigmentation affects thousands of people in the United States, with many seeking out treatment to achieve clear, even-toned skin.

Whether you developed hyperpigmentation from exposure to UV rays or simply from aging, we're here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with effective hyperpigmentation treatment. Take a look at the top treatment methods we use below!



While a chemical peel may sound a bit scary, this hyperpigmentation treatment is completely safe and remarkably effective at addressing most forms of skin discoloration!

During a chemical peel treatment, your provider applies a chemical solution that deeply exfoliates the skin and causes the epidermis (outermost layer) to peel. This process essentially removes any dead skin cells, renews the skin, and reveals a brighter complexion underneath.

A chemical peel treatment for hyperpigmentation works by sloughing off the top layer of skin, which tends to be the most discolored. After the treatment, your skin will heal to be softer, smoother, and more even-toned.

At Truth Medical Aesthetics, we offer three different types of chemical peels: Get up and Glow Peel, VI Peel, and TCA Peel. During your initial chemical peel consultation, your provider will determine which is best for your hyperpigmented skin and aesthetic goals!


An incredibly popular treatment, microneedling – also referred to as collagen induction therapy – stimulates the body's regenerative healing process to improve a number of skin problems, including hyperpigmentation and skin discoloration.

During a microneedling treatment, your provider will use a pen-like device that has several small needles on the end. These needles make micro-injuries in the skin, triggering the body's own healing process that boosts both collagen and elastin production.

At Truth Medical Aesthetics, we offer microneedling with or without PRP therapy. PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy involves following up a microneedling treatment with an injection or topical application of the PRP solution, which is an extraction of PRP components from the patient's blood.

This PRP solution contains several growth factors that benefit the skin by improving and speeding up the production of collagen and elastin, which helps to diminish the look of hyperpigmentation and skin discoloration.


While not as comprehensive as a chemical peel or microneedling, there are certain topicals we recommend that may work  just as well to address and diminish hyperpigmentation.

At Truth Medical Aesthetics, our board-certified nurse practitioner recommends serums, gels, and moisturizers with these skin lightening ingredients:

  • Retinol
  • Glycolic Acid
  • Peptides
  • AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids)
  • Hydroquinone
  • Vitamin C
  • Azelaic Acid
  • Kojic Acid
  • Tranexamic Acid

When targeting hyperpigmentation, we recommend combining ingredients to optimize the lightening of skin discoloration. For more information, schedule a skin consultation with one of our provider and skin expert, Laura Cifarelli, APRN! We're happy to find a hyperpigmentation topical treatment that works for you.


With the right treatments recommended by a board-certified Nurse Practitioner, you don't have to suffer from pesky hyperpigmentation! At Truth Medical Aesthetics, we are here to help you achieve a more even skin tone with our professional hyperpigmentation treatments. Contact us to learn more or schedule your skin consultation!

Our trusted provider at Truth Medical Aesthetics can assist you with all of your cosmetic and aesthetic needs. If you would like to learn more about our services, such as our chemical peels, microneedling, and skin care, contact us online or give us a call at (203) 484-3777. 


Treatments Available at Truth Medical Aesthetics

Contact us

Truth Medical Aesthetics

33 Water Street, Unit 3, Guilford, CT. 06437


